Inbound Orientation

Mandatory Inbound Orientation:
Friday August 23, 2024 arrive: 5pm
Sunday, August 25 depart 3pm
District Chair’s home in Fruit Cove (address will be emailed to student/host families/ counselors)
Students should contact their club counselor to arrange transportation
What to Bring?
There is no cost to you for this weekend.
Meals, a bed, linens, towels, and a pillow are provided.
- Toiletries – toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, medication etc.
- Casual clothes – do NOT bring your Rotary blazer.
- Swimsuite
- Sneakers or tennis shoes – flip-flops are OK too, but you may need sneakers for some activities
- Your business cards and pins to trade, if you like
- IMPORTANT: Your official documentation for us to validate – this means.
your passport all related forms (DS-2019 etc.)
your airline tickets or printed itinerary with return flight information. - ALSO IMPORTANT: Your Rotary ID card and your insurance ID card.
If you have any questions about the orientation, please check with your District Youth Exchange Chairperson. - Emergency fund money
We all look forward to seeing you!